IRC log started Sun Oct 10 00:00:00 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.1010 -:- SignOff td: #TUNES (Ping timeout for td[]) -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) -:- Syntax [] has joined #Tunes -:- ProGuy [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff ProGuy: #TUNES (Read error to ProGuy[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- NetSplit: split from [08:57am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes !irq:*! poor lackey, its taking like 10 minutes to finish netbursts, anyone know whats up? -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- eihrul [] has left #tunes [] -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes Shalom! -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) 10:20am -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES ("Jesus would make a good main character for a Seinfeld spinoff" - Amber) -:- Beholder [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) -:- air [] has joined #tunes Air: You changed your nic again? several days ago Ahh, how goes your assorted projects? well im almost finished converting brix to a single address space and then brix will be functional bbiaf 11:10am Good :) back 11:20am What about the Bochs frontend, how's that going? its as done as im gonna make it Does it work well? ya there are a couple features it could use to make it better, but im not gonna add them cuz i dont really care about bfe it was only made to aid me in debugging brix and its doing that quite well in its current state bfe? bfe is, like, a graphical frontend for bochs developed by liar and eihrul, Ok I was checking out an article on dual 550 celeron machine, seems quite fast 11:30am -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) i cant confirm that cuz i dont think my second one has ever kicked in to help the first in beos they were quite fast 11:40am So it's not worth the money if I'm runing a Linux/FBSD system? dunno if gimp uses threads and u use it then it would but i dont think that X or enlightenment use threads Have you done any SMP code for Brix yet? some -:- Syntax [] has joined #Tunes -:- Beholder [] has left #tunes [] 11:50am -:- water [] has joined #tunes hello hi water my local phone company is doing work for the next week on the lines, so there is too much noise for any real net wrok s/wrok/work -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) 12:20pm that would suck 12:30pm -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES ([x]chat) Gakuk! 12:40pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- fire [] has joined #tunes fare you awake? hum :D kindof hi lo tis me elgato/hickserv new nick haven't seen you around in a while what's up? not me I'm down fire: lo hi eihrul how's you os? fare: :P in a state of flux (redesign) fare: decided on language to write the HLL interpreter in yet? fire: some modified Scheme so are we ready to rumble yet? ;) 01:20pm (write the HLL) fare: ETA? ETA? estimated time of arrival -1 Fare: it'd be nice to see some progress from you, otherwise ur just deadweight you finished it? so what progress do we have? -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Connection reset by pear) -:- fare [] has joined #Tunes * fire/#tunes is disgusted to find the old tunes prototype still on cvs :P which prototype? heh one from 200bc 01:30pm tunes/src/hll/scm * eihrul/#tunes thinks up a new acronym for tunes... "Tunes is a Useful, Non-Existent System" * fire/#tunes ^5 eihrul how is it usefull and non-existant? Tunes is as Useless as it is Non-Existent, Sadly useful in theory fare: are you catching the vibe here? fire: what would it change if he did catch the vibe? perhaps we might see some progress? well its like when someone calls u a fat cow so u go on a diet or cut yer wrists fire: doubtful fare is the head honcho he should give us some programming assignments to do for tunes or something fire: how bout i give u some programming assignments to do for brix? :) ... you already gave me one and i didn't do anything about it :D ya i know so why should fare give u any for tunes? :) cause there's more motivation in working on tunes than brix tunes has zero motivation brix is silly =) brix is existant if we get it started than there will be air: s/ant/ent -:- IMPO [] has joined #tunes :D :D what's up IMPO? nothing much abi: brix? somebody said brix was _QZ/liar/air's vaporware os at watching vampire hunter d for the twentieth time heh vaporware i sure wish fare didn't have such a short attention span 01:40pm fire: want an assignment? fire: write a Scheme->FORTH translator possible way: follow the POP-11 architecture i can write a program that says "Hello, world" if that helps heh sorry fare: how would that help? 02:00pm IMPO: make it a reflective "Hello, World" program fire: be a basis for self-standing language development? oh :*( and i suppose you would like it to be done in scheme? im afraid i must leave fare: i'll try i guess -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (Leaving) 02:10pm -:- SignOff IMPO: #TUNES (Read error to IMPO[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- tmf [] has joined #tunes hi fare, here? no lo hi is there a mutany going on? why are you down? 02:50pm damn, i only shaved 800 bytes off the kernel by converting to single address space -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) air: what did you expect? much more * fare/#Tunes is reconfiguring his network damn ip filtering has anyone a successful ipchains setup for a home firewall? i still havent added that bibi -:- SignOff tmf: #TUNES (tmf) 03:00pm hum what kind of multiple spaces did you have? -:- SignOff fare: #TUNES (Connection reset by pear) -:- fare [] has joined #Tunes 03:10pm abi: seen core core was last seen on IRC 11 days, 23 hours, 50 minutes and 18 seconds ago, saying: what's up? did you write more of EMK? [Tue Sep 28 15:20:31 1999] air: what kind of multiple spaces were there? i.e. where was the tradeoff, and what did you expect to gain/lose? u know like in unix how each process has its own protected address space i know only have one address space used by all s/i know/i now/ ok but what you gain is not so much in static structures as in dynamic (per-process) structures, you know i.e. you needn't switch everytime, and allocate new structures. 03:20pm * Tril/#TUNES is back from the dead. Gone 22 hrs 14 min 50 secs hi fare lo Tril 03:30pm -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes fare: well i didnt remove much code when i made it single address space, it just made it run faster. the 800 bytes was from all the verification code i removed if im gonna trust the language to make bug/virus-free code then i dont need to worry about verifying syscall parameters 03:50pm yup; although you still want a paranoid mode for running legacy binaries and/or alpha-quality compiled code brix doesnt run legacy binaries it will, someday about the same day tunes does and experimental compilers (or virtualized systems) are still a concern, aren't they? 04:00pm no 04:10pm -:- eihrul [] has left #tunes [] -:- Syntax [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff fare: #TUNES (Connection reset by pear) -:- IMPO [] has joined #tunes * Tril/#TUNES is away: (afk) [BX-MsgLog Off] -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff IMPO: #TUNES (Read error to IMPO[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- IMPO [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff IMPO: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- IMPO [] has joined #tunes -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes -:- lar1 [] has left #tunes [] -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- fire [] has joined #tunes anyone know how to quit rsc? -:- SignOff IMPO: #TUNES (Read error to IMPO[]: Connection reset by peer) 09:10pm rsc? fire: u know howto get an icq account without windows? no rscheme -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) -:- IMPO [] has joined #tunes ctrl-alt-del? heh no but ctrl-c won't work yer in windows right? im sick of halting tasks rather than killing em no im telneting into bespin oh what zbout ctrl-z? that is halting a task ya then kill it it will give u a task number when u halt it s/task/job/ too much work :( -:- td [] has joined #tunes 09:20pm man this sucks redebugging all the shit i spent months debugging heh. thats what its all about debug and debug.. and debug some more well if i hadnt changed it then i wouldnt need to redebug it you working on a os? but i guess being 10 times faster is worth it ya ouch 09:30pm -:- Syntax [dma@] has joined #Tunes air: having trouble with synchronization still.... 09:40pm eihrul: eh? fire: what is this? it's some whacky alife proggy it's fun though :D air: my scheduling algorithm sucks so semaphores can deadlock a given pair of threads... :) any of u have icq? i do but everyone hates me :D accept that odd canadian girl except rather which one the one that scanned her chest [brand@p0wer ~]>> nicq Server told us to go away.Segmentation fault again which one hahha i forget i have so many chest/genital scans it's scary to weave through my computer 09:50pm do you remember eve yeah here is one of her uh that's just wrong yes * eihrul/#tunes wonders when #tunes became a pr0n channel. especially since she just turned 15 :D eihrul: hehe eihrul: no these are just some people we happen to know :( * fire/#tunes puts the picture in the recycling bin air: hrmm, do you know where i can find good information on scheduling algorithms? eihrul: i just use a round robin scheduler * fire/#tunes fears he will never learn to pretty print scheme or lisp you don't use priority scheduling? no are there any user settable scheduling parameters? no well shouldn't there be some way to favor some threads over others? a thread shouldnt live long enuf to see more than a couple timeslices so there isnt many running in my mk... threads last a long time in brix they dont so i need a better scheduling algorithmt hat allows for some threads to be more privileged but that doesn't deny all threads a chance to execute even tho u may have a dozen windows open, if none of them are actively updating anything and there is no user input then u will have exactly zero threads er, s/zero/one/ forgot the persistence thread which never dies 10:00pm whats yer icq's numbers? -:- eel [] has joined #tunes or better yet can one of u send me a message? 51921784 abi: air? i think air is sooooooooo close to having a keyboard driver in brix :D hello hi eel what brings you here? hi fire fire: do u have icq? somone want to give me a rundown on tunes? yeah I do ok an AI bot eel: can u see if im online? 51921784 ok eel whoch nicks are bots here? which abi and tunes tunes is a computing system that takes all the shit from computer science and gets rid of it and creates a new and better one :D well tunes is a logger not a bot so what can abi do? oh damn, i got something on icq and then it segfaulted abi is an infobot abi hello eel: hi nslookup cant find host/domain: nslookup is it watches what u say and remembers and then answers those with questions yeah :) I knwo I have one instaled on my machine I was hopeing for something other than info bot i invited eel here from #ai on efnet :) 10:10pm somethign a little more inteligent -:- eel is now known as Friend electric hmmm who set up abi? hcf he is the unofficial knowledge distribution dude :) what can it do that any normal info bot can not do? translate to german this is not artificial inteligence this bot aitn even installed properly hehehe better talk to hcf about that websters for stupid imdb for three kings yup this bot sucks Ill bring mine in gee will yah abi: stats? Since Thu Oct 7 15:32:49 1999, there have been 190 modifications and 88 questions. I have been awake for 3 days, 6 hours, 40 minutes, 56 seconds this session, and currently reference 1815 factoids. we are so grateful hehehe j/k i know :) let me see if I can bring in a bot give me a nick for it earth :D we got a fire, air, water now we need an earth IMPO: it's about time you learn a real programming language * fire/#tunes takes IMPO out to the shed D: -:- eihrul is now known as earth ei: u know what is? some weird X11 extension YES! now we are complete -:- earth1 [] has joined #tunes no you need captain planet :P translate to italian I dont work for nobody yes Friend: -:- IMPO is now known as heart translate to german testing one two three Friend: :( with our powers combined lol 10:20pm -:- earth is now known as eihrul D: now we are incomplete we're missing water anyway imbd the matrix yeah but he may come and you may not be earth :\ Im lookign for a bot thats better than an infobot i'm incognito until he does :P okey dokey -:- SignOff Friend: #TUNES (Leaving) hey who sent me an icq message? -:- Friend [] has joined #tunes ah kewl it works hello abi hi, Friend abi : tril? tril is logged onto 12 different terminals :\ abi: fire? somebody said fire was totally confused as to what high and first order means abi: abi? abi: water? i think i am only a bot water is at or an expression of the Tao or our island of intelligence or abi: air? somebody said air was _QZ/liar abi: earth? abi: IMPO? eihrul: i don't know IMPO is, like, reading the docs on my site at the moment lol -:- heart is now known as IMPO abi: dtm? fire: i don't know :( abi: fare i guess fare is sometimes looking at another screen and interruptible with a beep (/msg Fare ^G) or at or connected through a crappy ISP ( or pronounced Fahree google for tunes Friend: Google says tunes is or or google for cnn Friend: Google says cnn is or or earth1: how are you? just great, air slashdot headlines Friend: Slashdot - Updated 1999-10-11 02:47:03 | Enlightenment 0.16.0 Release | G4 Bug Keeps Them at 500MHz | MTV Profiles "Hackers" | Michael Lewis Profiles Jim Clark in NY Times YES! translate to german i am a shitty bot fire: ich bin ein shitty BOT 10:30pm translate to french fare like a lisp whore fire: prix comme un whore de blésité earth1: translate to german blow me air: brennen Sie mich durch tranlate to italian fire is a mommys boy translate to italian fire is a mommys boy Friend: il fuoco è un ragazzo dei mommys translate to spanish who is your daddy? fire: quién es su papá? earth1: translate to german drop dead air: Tropfen tot translate from italian il fuoco è un ragazzo dei mommys Friend: the fire is a boy of the mommys hah earth1: translate from german Tropfen tot air: Drop dead haha translate from spanish tu madre chupa me verga, bavoso fire: your mother absorbs me yard, bavoso hahaha thats funny nslookup is is translate from spanish yo quiera taco bell eihrul: I want I mark Bell translate from spanish tu madre chupa me peto perro no voy fire: your mother absorbs me peto dog I do not go BWhahahahhaha * Friend/#tunes rotfl er: silly bot translate from spanish yo quiero taco bell eihrul: I want I mark Bell does that what that means translate to spanish your mother sucks my penis but i did not come fire: su madre aspira mi pene pero no vine translate to spanish I want I mark bell Friend: Deseo la alarma de la marca de I this is like spanish from spain die! yeah its babelfish's spanish translate to spanish I want Taco Bell eihrul: Deseo Taco Bell close enough its parsed to html sent to babelfish and the output is returned i hope taco bell it's spanish sucks watch this esperar is hope translate from spanish chupais fire: chupais uh i need an accent -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) translate from spanish chupar IMPO: to absorb translate to spanish you all suck fire: usted todo aspira translate from spanish con nuestros atoridades mezclados, llamos captain planet! eihrul: with our mixed, llamos atoridades captain planet! IMPO IMPO is an absorber translate from spanish con nuestros atoridades mezclados, llamamos captain planet! eihrul: with our mixed atoridades, we called captain planet! translate from spanish con nuestros autoridades mezclados, llamamos captain planet! eihrul: with our mixed authorities, we called captain planet! lol very error centric bot translate from spanish nosotros somos elefantes fire: we are elephants translate from german essen Sie meine Scheiße IMPO: eat my scheisse D: rotfl stop laughing Friend its not that funny :) -:- Friend is now known as Fiend rotfl hmmmm :D rotfl doh -:- Syntax [dma@] has joined #Tunes translate from german ich möchte Liebe mit Ihnen bilden mag ein Tier fire: I would like to form love with you like an animal rotfl fluck -:- Fiend is now known as Friend rotfl um the bastard script doenst work heh or is delayed earth1: you suck translate from italian è quello un la polpetta o è voi felici di vederlo IMPO: it is that one a polpetta or he is happy you of vederlo earth1: your mother is a hamster D: -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes ruiner :D hey we got a new info bot 10:40pm <---elgato btw <_ruiner_> groovy translate from spanish ay ay ay ay ruiner es mi perra fire: ay ay ay ay to ruiner is my dog its the same bot it just has everything installed aspiran? translate from spanish esta stupida perra aspiran me pene fire: this stupida dog aspires to me suffers wtf its a silly language like groovy i must sleep soon translate to german fire likes to play with little boys Friend: Feuer mag mit kleinen Jungen spielen D: ju du moets mit kleinen jungen spielen Feuer translate from spanish para bailar, para bailar se necesito una poca de gracia, una poca de gracia, para mi, para ti, para mi, ba-a-amba, ba-a-amba IMPO: in order to dance, to dance I am needed one little grace, one little of grace, for my, you, for my, ba-a-amba, ba-a-amba translate to spanish friend likes to touch you in funny places fire: el amigo tiene gusto de tocarle en divertidos lugares translate friend whoops translate to spanish Friend Friend: Amigo -:- SignOff Syntax: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Syntax[]) translate to german Friend Friend: Freund translate to italian Friend Friend: Amico translate to french Friend Friend: Ami translate to finnish i am a silly billy D: no finnish mother of god it only supports babelfish languages translate to portuguese foo bar eihrul: barra do foo * fire/#tunes is disgudted tanslate from french avec moie translate ffrom italian malla aria translate from italian malla aria fire: malla air er translate from italian mala aria fire: mala air translate from italian momma mia IMPO: momma mine you gays all suck you guys all suck translate to italian bad oops fire: Male i sleep now translate from italian tuttos melonis sono grandissimo IMPO: tuttos melonis they are largest D: stats translate from italian stasera, IMPO, dormite con i pesci fire: this evening, IMPO, slept with the fish stats earth1 hahaha lol earth1 : stats Since Sun Oct 10 22:20:10 1999, there have been 15 modifications and 5 questions. I have been awake for 29 minutes, 37 seconds this session, and currently reference 33 factoids. Addressing is in optional mode. gnight translate from spanish tus jueves son muy malos y muy pequenos eihrul: your Thursdays are very bad and very pequenos -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (stasera, IMPO, dormite con i pesci) translate from spanish tus juevos son muy malos y muy pequenos eihrul: your juevos are very bad and very pequenos -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES ([x]chat) earth1: bark * earth1/#tunes woof! earth1: meow * earth1/#tunes meow! 10:50pm ok earth1 say goodbye to everyone goodbye everyone :D good bot :) now leave the channel -:- SignOff earth1: #TUNES (regrouping; bbiab) :) I love well trained bots well later ..nice meeting you guys ... any idea if there is a more inteligent IRC bot around? i saw one on relicnet #testchamber had one whats relicnets server? oh hm try i believe that is the main one k im on -:- SignOff Friend: #TUNES (Leaving) 11:00pm -:- SignOff td: #TUNES (td has no reason) -:- Syntax [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Leaving) IMPO: do u have icq? 11:20pm yes can u message me? ok hold on a second 51921784 ok done did you receive it 11:30pm no did it say i was online? i do not remember are u 24... no yer number 11:40pm oh yes 24166512 ya i changed clients and got it the suckiest client of the 3 got it did u just send me a message with weird characters in it? nope IMPOþþþþ0þBECAUSE WE BOTH LIKE CHEESE lol ah kewl i am going to make one last attempt at installing kde so bbl -:- SignOff IMPO: #TUNES (Leaving) 11:50pm [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.1011 IRC log ended Mon Oct 11 00:00:00 1999